To take your organisation to the next level with grants to support your future aspirations
Grantwriting Services
Want to take the plunge and see how grants could support your business? An end to end grantwriting service, from identifying available grants for your sector to completing and submitting the application.
A day's grantwriting with no desk research or financial modelling requirements starts from £380. Grants of up to £13,500 have been received on this basis.
Grantfinding Services
Like to understand more about what grants are out there for your sector or clients? For just £99 a quarter we'll do the looking for you to show you what's available.
Grantwriting Training
Want to learn how to write great grants for yourself? Our introduction to grantwriting course is perfect for you. They run once a quarter for a maximum of 12 people and cost just £199 per person.
We’re good with grants
Years of Experience
Qualified Experts
grants identified
Success Rate
Grant Drs offers not for profit, third sector, and commercial grantwriting services throughout the UK.
Grant Doctors was founded by Helena Jevons when she realised how many businesses were unaware that grants existed, of where to go to find available grants, or of how to write grants or access grantwriting affordably.
We all share a love of writing and have honed the craft of writing
- effectively to tight word counts
- clearly address all the points a potential funder is interested in
- winning donor's hearts AND minds
We'd love to support you in adding grantwriting to your income streams in such challenging times - post Covid and post Brexit.
What our clients say